Welcome to CyberShield Bounty

Where Cyber Vigilance is Rewarded!

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Welcome to CyberShield Bounty - Where Cyber Vigilance is Rewarded!

At CyberShield Bounty, we believe in the power of collective vigilance against cyber threats. Our platform empowers individuals like you to become cyber guardians by reporting suspected cyber attacks. But why would you do this? What's in it for you? Let us explain.

10 Compelling Reasons to Join CyberShield Bounty:

  1. Rewards for Vigilance: We value your efforts in safeguarding the digital realm. That's why we reward you handsomely for every valid report you submit.
  2. Community Defense: Cyber threats can target anyone, from individuals to large corporations. By reporting attacks, you contribute to a safer online environment for everyone.
  3. Partnerships with Industry Leaders: We collaborate with Window Defender Lab, VirusTotal, leading antivirus companies, and other cybersecurity entities to validate and combat reported threats effectively.
  4. Continuous Monitoring: Our proactive approach ensures that every reported attack is promptly investigated and addressed, minimizing its impact on potential victims.
  5. Training and Education: We offer training sessions to small business owners and e-commerce merchants on how to fortify their digital assets against cyber threats, making them less susceptible to attacks.
  6. Diverse Attack Coverage: From phishing scams to malware infections, we accept reports on a wide range of cyber attacks, ensuring no threat goes unnoticed.
  7. Anonymous Reporting: Your identity remains confidential when reporting attacks, fostering a safe environment for whistleblowers.
  8. Ethical Responsibility: Reporting cyber attacks isn't just about rewards; it's about doing the right thing and preventing harm to others.
  9. Cryptocurrency Rewards: We offer instant payouts in cryptocurrency, ensuring fast and secure transactions for our vigilant users.
  10. Financial Incentive: Earn a minimum of $500 for every valid report, with the potential to earn more based on the severity and impact of the reported threat.

How Does CyberShield Bounty Make Money?

CyberShield Bounty operates on a sustainable business model that benefits both users and our organization. Here's how we generate revenue:

  1. Subscription Services: Businesses subscribe to our platform for advanced threat intelligence and protection services.
  2. Consulting Services: We offer consultancy to organizations seeking to enhance their cybersecurity posture.
  3. Training Programs: Educational workshops and seminars generate revenue from participants seeking to bolster their cybersecurity knowledge.
  4. Premium Reporting Features: Advanced reporting tools and features are available to users through subscription plans.
  5. Partnership Collaborations: Collaborations with cybersecurity firms and industry stakeholders generate revenue streams.
  6. Data Analysis Services: Analyzing trends and patterns in reported attacks provides valuable insights for businesses and researchers.
  7. Advertising and Sponsorship: Strategic partnerships with relevant brands and sponsors contribute to our revenue.
  8. Incident Response Services: Rapid response services for businesses facing cyber attacks generate revenue.
  9. Outsourced Security Services: We offer outsourced security monitoring and incident response services to businesses of all sizes.

What Types of Attacks Can Be Reported?

You can report a wide range of cyber attacks, including but not limited to:

  1. Phishing Scams
  2. Malware Infections (APK, EXE, etc.)
  3. Ransomware Attacks
  4. Data Breaches
  5. Identity Theft
  6. Social Engineering Attacks
  7. DDoS Attacks
  8. Online Fraud (Dating Scams, Lottery Scams, etc.)
  9. Insider Threats
  10. Unauthorized Access Attempts
  11. Credential Stuffing Attacks
  12. Cryptojacking
  13. Fake Antivirus Software
  14. Website Defacements
  15. IoT Exploitation

How Will Users Make Money and What Payment Method is Used?

Reporting cyber attacks is straightforward and rewarding. Simply fill out the form below with details of the suspected attack. Our system automatically checks the validity of your report. If deemed valid, you'll receive an instant notification to provide your cryptocurrency wallet address for immediate payout. Remember, the more attacks you report, the more money you can earn. We guarantee a minimum payout of $500 for every valid report, with payments made securely in cryptocurrency.

How Does It Work?

Once you report any attack using the form below, our API-connected server verifies the report's validity. If valid, you'll be notified instantly to provide your wallet address for payment. Reports found to be false are automatically rejected.


  1. How do I report a cyber attack? Simply click on the "Click To Report Now" button below and fill out the form with relevant details.

  2. Is my identity protected when reporting attacks? Yes, we maintain strict confidentiality to protect the identities of our users.

  3. Can I report anonymously? Absolutely. You have the option to report anonymously to ensure your safety.

  4. What happens after I submit a report? Our team promptly investigates the reported attack to validate its authenticity.

  5. When do I receive my reward? Valid reports are rewarded instantly upon verification.

  6. What if my report is rejected? Reports found to be false are automatically rejected.

  7. How much money can I earn? You're guaranteed a minimum payout of $500 for every valid report.

  8. What types of attacks are eligible for reporting? A wide range of cyber attacks, from phishing scams to malware infections, can be reported.

  9. How are payments made? Payments are made securely in cryptocurrency for instant transactions.

  10. Who can I contact for more information? For further inquiries, please contact support@cybershield-bounty.online.

Ready to join the fight against cyber threats? Click "Click To Report Now " button below and start earning rewards for your vigilance!